Marine surveys
Our company conducts bathymetric surveys and is now one of the largest suppliers in the field. Our company has gained significant experience, both in small and broad areas, emphasizing marine surveys for engineering work.
Our company is one of the leading companies in the field of marine surveys for engineering purposes. We collaborate in research with several higher education institutions to utilize technology development and increase capacity.
Our company has several marine teams, led by a category-A hydrograph with more than 30 years’ experience.
Our services include:
- Bathymetric mapping a wide range acoustic depth gauges
- Issuance of comparison reports against previous information
- Processing of marine survey data
- Engineering-marine surveys and diving surveys
- Sub-marine pipe system surveys
- Biological surveys and issuance of reports
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Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Combined surveys for marine structures
Deep water survey
Shallow water survey
Shallow water survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey
Pipeline survey